The Tift County Sheriff's Office Patrol Divison consists of a team of highly dedicated deputies, whose greatest urgency is to ensure the safety of the citizens of Tift County. This division consists of 28 sworn deputies under the direct supervision of the Patrol Division Commander, Captain Wingate Whitley. Each shift has supervisors with the rank of Lieutenant and Sergeant. This division is the front line unit in the fight against crime in Tift County.
The Patrol Division is designed to effectively and efficiently protect life, liberty and property of all people in Tift County. They secure all crime scenes as well as enforce all local, state and federal laws. This unit conducts security patrol of residential and business properties; they conduct traffic stops, write citations for traffic violations and assist with all emergency calls for assistance. They have the responsibility of serving all criminal warrants received by the Sheriff's office, which includes but is not limited to felonies, misdemeanors, bench warrants, warrants received from other counties and fugitive warrants. Additionally, patrol deputies may be assigned to additional duties including: Traffic Enforcement & Safety Education.